Join us for a drop-in keepsake making event on Saturday from 12 to 4 p.m. and Sunday from 1 to 4 p.m.! At this event, you’ll be able to choose from 5+ design options featuring your little ones’ hand prints. After you’ve chosen your design and piece, our friendly staff will screen on your design and help guide you to get the perfect print! Then, you’ll get to pick and choose your paint colors to paint in your piece however you like! When you’re done, we’ll add any personalization and lettering that you’d like, clear glaze, and fire your pieces for pick up before Father’s Day!
The cost is $12 per child to reserve your space, then you’ll just choose and pay for pottery at the event!
CANCELLATION POLICY: Once paid, all event fees are non-refundable and non-transferable, but can be applied towards a new event at a future date/time.