5 Local Ways to Have Some Family Fun!

Games, movies, and DIY activities in your arsenal starting to feel a little stale? We get it! We’ve all been home, perhaps just a liiittle too long and the never-ending echo of “I’M BORED!” bouncing around your living room isn’t doing anybody any favors. Luckily for you, we’ve gathered up five ways for you and your family to shake things up a bit -- check ‘em out!

Get Jiggy with It!

We’re not talking the 1990s dance craze that swept the nation (although, we could. If ya wanna.) No, we’re talking about our neighbors at Blue Skies Chattanooga who carry all kinds of cool knickknacks & fun items that you won’t find anywhere else!

Our favorite? The old family stand-by, jigsaw puzzles! You seriously can’t beat the selection of unique designs featured in the Blue Skies Chattanooga shop and these babies are a BLAST to put together. We recommend working on your family masterpiece together on a piece of fabric or poster-board so you don’t lose, say, your entire kitchen table for weeks at a time! Not that we would know anything about that…

Head to their online shop and see what all the fuss is about at https://shopblueskies.net/

Explore Your Creative Side!

When’s the last time your whole family let loose and got their creativity on? Let’s put some color on the menu with a family painting session! At The Pottery Place of Chattanooga, we specialize in creative memory making with both our in-house community art studio and prepared to-go kits that you can pick up to paint from home!

To get started, visit our online shop at https://www.thepotteryplacechattanooga.com/shop-art-to-go and find your favorite piece of bisque! Our website features over 50 of our most popular pieces, with over 225 MORE unique pieces available in store. Our kits come with everything you need to create – glazes (“paints”), bisque, brushes, and a tips and tricks painting guide. Our glazes are non-toxic and wash right out of skin, hair, and clothing – all you need to worry about is setting up a space to paint and a little water for rinsing your brushes! When you’re done painting, drop your pieces back off to us for clear glazing and firing in our kiln, they’ll be ready in a week!

Take a Virtual Cooking Class!

Want to learn from a pro? Visit our friends at The Sweet and Savory Classroom! From savory dinner dishes to sweet treats, their rotating calendar of events has something for everyone at prices that please. Personally, we’ll be itching to tune in for the “Nothing But Iron” series coming up in June where dishes will be cooked using a staple from every Southern kitchen – the cast iron skillet! The best part? You can choose to shop for your own ingredients or pick up everything you need from the chefs and take it home for class!

Check out their current calendar of events at:


BONUS: For the grown-ups, you could even find the perfect wine pairing and arrange for Riverside Wine to prepare it for you!  https://www.riversidewine.com/

Soak in Some Sun!

With everyone home, there’s never been a better time to actualize that garden or flower bed you’ve been dreaming of! We know just where to send you to get started – the friendly staff over at Bees on a Bicycle know all there is to know about local plants, flowers, and gardening! You can shop online as a family, plan your garden, and tend to it together all season long!

Ok, so maybe you don’t have room for a big garden. That’s cool too! You can still get your hands dirty with an herb planting activity combo. This kit includes three herbs, a pot, and soil so you can get planting no matter where you are!

Visit them online for all kinds of goodness at https://www.beesonabicycle.com/shop

Picnic at the Park!

It might seem cheesy, but one of our favorite ways to unwind is a long, scenic drive to a new to you park. Pack a picnic, pile up the car, and hit the road! You can listen to an audiobook or podcast to spark up a fun family conversation; The Road Trip Expert has even compiled a great list of questions to get the conversation started! https://www.theroadtripexpert.com/family-road-trip-questions/.

Need some help with your picnic goodies? The good folks at Bleu Fox Cheese Shop can help! Choose from a selection of kits and boxes or do your own thang and build your ultimate picnic from their variety of cheeses, jams, cured meats and more! We’re partial to a combo featuring their Cheese Picnic Box and The Greek Box for a sunny park picnic, but don’t’ take our word for it - head over and see for yourself at https://www.bleufoxcheeseshop.com/pantry-shop

Sounds like a week’s worth of fun, right?

Go do something together and we’ll see ya real soon!

-Jessica & The Pottery Place Crew


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